
More people should go vegan

17 Jul 2020
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17 Jul 2020
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People who go vegan not only help the environment, and the animals that would be slaughtered, but also themselves

Millions of animals are slaughtered every year after having to endure horrific lives. A whopping 15% of manmade greenhouse gases are caused by animal farming. The amount of food that feeds farmed animals could feed everyone on the planet, it could stop starvation. Heart disease, cancers, and other deadly conditions have been proven to be linked to meat and dairy consumption. When going vegan is an easy alternative, with all the delicious plant-based foods on the shelves today, why don't more people go vegan? Why do we allow people to starve, the environment to be harmed, animals to be tortured, all because we can't live without our bacon, or our cheese? https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/what-would-world-look-if-everyone-went-vegan

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Many people don't understand nutrition, and might deprive their body of necessary nutrients as the vegan diet is extremely constricting.
All avoidable suffering should be eliminated
People who go vegan not only help the environment, and the animals that would be slaughtered, but also themselves

The fact that healthy eating and exercise is beneficial for a person's health is widely know and believed, however, especially in america, people are dying of obesity, which is preventable. This shows that they may not understand how the food they consume affects their body. The same is true for people across all weight and diet groups. With vegan and vegetarian diets, people run the risk of skimping on essential nutrients such as Vitamin B12, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, Iron, and Zinc. A deficiency in these nutrients has severe side effects such as weak bones, weak cardiovascular strength, tiredness, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, nerve problems, and megaloblastic anemia. Without proper nutritional understanding, people could severely harm their bodies. At present there are not enough nutritionalists to help every family- about 80 thousand dietitians to 126 million families. Addittionaly, a variety in a vegan diet can only be achieved by purchasing rare and expensive ingredients, which many families do not have the time and money for. Going vegan is undoubtedly beneficial if done right, but untill nutrition is understood by the average person and ingredients and supplements are more readily avaible and cheaper, people who are not well equiped to go vegan should not. (This is not to say that no one should, just that people who don't have the means to shouldn't be forced to.)

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As most humans would be able to lead healthy and fulfilling lives without the necesscity for consuming animal products, the suffering caused by industrial scale non-human animal farming is avoidable suffering and has to be eliminated.

Millions of animals are slaughtered every year after having to endure horrific lives. A whopping 15% of manmade greenhouse gases are caused by animal farming. The amount of food that feeds farmed animals could feed everyone on the planet, it could stop starvation. Heart disease, cancers, and other deadly conditions have been proven to be linked to meat and dairy consumption. When going vegan is an easy alternative, with all the delicious plant-based foods on the shelves today, why don't more people go vegan? Why do we allow people to starve, the environment to be harmed, animals to be tortured, all because we can't live without our bacon, or our cheese? https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/what-would-world-look-if-everyone-went-vegan
