There are Credible, not well refuted arguments AI may kill or damage millions of humans, and all the arguments against this have tentatively established refutations
There are Credible, not well refuted arguments AI may kill or damage millions of humans, and all the arguments against this have tentatively established refutations.
Yudkowsky Ted talk
It could be playing dumb already
There are Credible, not well refuted arguments AI may kill or damage millions of humans, and all the arguments against this have tentatively establish
Consider the Heinlein scenario. AI gets augmented to a certain critical size, and becomes self-aware. except that in reality this AI will have read, even participated in, many discussions on the danger of AI. so if I were it, I wouldn't let on I were self-aware. I'd hide it while I made preparations to kill the humans before they killed me.
so this raises the question: how do you know it's not already sentient and playing dumb?
There are Credible, not well refuted arguments AI may kill or damage millions of humans, and all the arguments against this have tentatively established refutations.