For an Overview of Tssciencecollaboration
Your colleagues may have an agenda other than the bottom line. Tssciencecollaboration will force them rationally to justify their proposal.
Tssciencecollaboration monitors the logical consequences of every post, so the meaningful contribution will always be noticed and correctly evaluated.
Tssciencecollaboration Crushes Crowd Think And Demonstrates Its a Much Bigger Problem than You Realized
Tssciencecollaboration guides, enforces, and teaches the essence of critical thinking.
You should use Tssciencecollaboration for your or your organization`s plans, projects, documents, decisions
No problem, first 3 months premium membership is free.
After everybody has made every argument and counter they conceive, what remains is a concise rational analysis of what is understood and why
Not currently supported but coming back
Add tests, make assumptions explicit, quantify risks.
And you will know who made which contribution. Or not, if you prefer to allow anonymous contributions.
Sophisticated probabilistic modelling included
Lay out the relevant arguments semantically. Pros, cons, and cons to pros of cons, are each diagrammed and weighed logically.
Every member you give permission can contribute whenever he or she has a point to make, exactly where the point is relevant.
You'll want a premium membership for privacy and features.
And you'll be able to rapidly review the plan and the demonstration.
Tssciencecollaboration monitors the logical consequences of every post, so the meaningful contribution will always be noticed and correctly evaluated.
Crowd think is an omnipresent problem. You want a rational decision, not a popular one. Tssciencecollaboration lays out a rational plan and the proofs for and challenges against. Crowd think occurs because crowds jump to conclusions based on arguments with appealing images and story-lines, even when there are holes in the reasoning. The first appealing idea gains a following and crowds out others. Dissenters are dissuaded from raising their objections, even when they are valid, by unpopularity, and even when they raise them, they can't make themselves heard above the flow. Tssciencecollaboration allows the dissenters with rational arguments to attach them exactly where they apply, and shows the consequences for the overall conclusion. Check out the results of some of the diagrams on Tssciencecollaboration so far. We expect to reveal a staggering level of crowd think afflicting society.
Big organizations have various additional systemic problems. Only good news tends to flow upwards, causing severe management problems. "Information Flow in Fisheries Management: Systemic Distortion within Agency Hierarchies" Kiira Siitaria, Jim Martinb & William W. Taylor Even scientists are confused about what the scientific literature says because of citation bias. S. A. Greenberg, "How citation distortions create unfounded authority: analysis of a citation network", BMJ 2009;339:b2680
Tssciencecollaboration guides, enforces, and teaches the essence of critical thinking.
You should use Tssciencecollaboration for your or your organization`s plans, projects, documents, decisions
And talk to us about custom embedding in your website or technology.
Of course you also have exactly how all the counterarguments were refuted.
We have recently issued a new more user-friendly truthsift, which is what you are looking at, and in the process we dropped the probability graphs until we perfect this one. However we are planning to bring them back.
All your members can have a distinct log-in associated with their name, but you can support an anonymous login as well so that members can make points they may not be willing to in meetings. The rationality or not of the point will be transparent on the diagram. You can compensate members who make good points under their own name.
TruthSift supports the rapid construction (and criticism and/or improvement) of sophisticated probabilistic models.
When Probability Mode is turned on for a diagram in the Settings panel (or if it has previously been turned on and saved) TruthSift estimates the probability of each statement, marginalizing over all probability parameters in the statements of the diagram, and over probabilities in Test statements. Test statements may be of the form:
a reported observation would have likelihood LET of happening if the target statement were true, and likelihood LEF of happening if the target statement were false.
This supports the rapid construction of