
New paradigms of Anna von Reitz: true or false?

Jay Spencer
30 Oct 2020
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Jay Spencer
30 Oct 2020
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Can the new paradigms at theamericanstatesassembly.net be verified?

Anna von Reitz (at annavonreitz.com and https://theamericanstatesassembly.net" target=_blank>https://theamericanstatesassembly.net) has published new paradigms challenging mainstream world history. Can they be verified? If not, millions of her "followers" will be devastated.

If so, most of what most Americans "know" about history, politics, money and finance, and especially American government, its institutions and documents, is completely wrong, and that if state of affairs is not remedied, what began as a Constitutional Republic will continue to be what it has, in effect, become: a system of Corporate Feudalism, tyranny by kleptocrats, who have wrought, over time, a global control matrix using power and influence, enabled by semantic deception and fraud.

While this sounds like a "conspiracy theory," it is a genuine, well-documented conspiracy. If it seems impossible that such a global conspiracy could exist, remember the adage of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes: "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." I propose that the new "von Reitz paradigm" explains the state of the world as it is; nothing else comes close.

My problems with Anna are twofold: first, she now has over 2700 essays posted on her main site. Many of these are off-topic or esoteric, and some are scientifically or logically flawed. Second, what I regard as based on solid facts and reality are seldom accompanied by references or good documentation. I prefer to write off this failing to her being overworked and under-resourced. She also scolds critics of this "failing" for being lazy, unwilling to search for their own confirmations of her assertions.

I hope that readers of this site will, if they haven't already done so, examine the material on her websites, read her books, be intrigued by the new paradigm, be inspired by the potential benefits to mankind of bringing her vision of our future to fruition, and possessing the talent and perseverance to document and verify the key parts of her "story."

The importance of these paradigms should be obvious to anyone observing the current state of "American Politics," which long ago devolved into political theater presented by corrupt puppeteers, presenting the illusion of choice, where voters reprise their own roles with every election, and wonder why the change they were told they could believe in never happens.

Regarding the upcoming Nov. 3d election: no matter who wins, the current system will not change. It's hard to overestimate the benefits of restoring true self-government, without violence, outlined at https://theamericanstatesassembly.net" target=_blank>https://theamericanstatesassembly.net. Anything less is insanity (defined as "endlessly repeating the same actions while expecting different results").



Proofs - PRO To Topic
Test Statements for Probability Testing
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Proofs - PRO to Topic
Refutations - CON to Topic
Test Statements for Probability Testing

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Can the new paradigms at theamericanstatesassembly.net be verified?

Anna von Reitz (at annavonreitz.com and https://theamericanstatesassembly.net) has published new paradigms challenging mainstream world history. Can they be verified? If not, millions of her "followers" will be devastated.

If so, most of what most Americans "know" about history, politics, money and finance, and especially American government, its institutions and documents, is completely wrong, and that if state of affairs is not remedied, what began as a Constitutional Republic will continue to be what it has, in effect, become: a system of Corporate Feudalism, tyranny by kleptocrats, who have wrought, over time, a global control matrix using power and influence, enabled by semantic deception and fraud.

While this sounds like a "conspiracy theory," it is a genuine, well-documented conspiracy. If it seems impossible that such a global conspiracy could exist, remember the adage of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes: "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." I propose that the new "von Reitz paradigm" explains the state of the world as it is; nothing else comes close.

My problems with Anna are twofold: first, she now has over 2700 essays posted on her main site. Many of these are off-topic or esoteric, and some are scientifically or logically flawed. Second, what I regard as based on solid facts and reality are seldom accompanied by references or good documentation. I prefer to write off this failing to her being overworked and under-resourced. She also scolds critics of this "failing" for being lazy, unwilling to search for their own confirmations of her assertions.

I hope that readers of this site will, if they haven't already done so, examine the material on her websites, read her books, be intrigued by the new paradigm, be inspired by the potential benefits to mankind of bringing her vision of our future to fruition, and possessing the talent and perseverance to document and verify the key parts of her "story."

The importance of these paradigms should be obvious to anyone observing the current state of "American Politics," which long ago devolved into political theater presented by corrupt puppeteers, presenting the illusion of choice, where voters reprise their own roles with every election, and wonder why the change they were told they could believe in never happens.

Regarding the upcoming Nov. 3d election: no matter who wins, the current system will not change. It's hard to overestimate the benefits of restoring true self-government, without violence, outlined at https://theamericanstatesassembly.net. Anything less is insanity (defined as "endlessly repeating the same actions while expecting different results").


