Starting Probability Calculations..
See Final Node probabilities here
Running instance 1
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
                         Instance Weight=0.7
                         Instance Weight is now :0.7

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.7 * 0.7=0.48999999999999994
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.48999999999999994 * 0.7=0.3429999999999999
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.3429999999999999 * 0.99=0.3395699999999999
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.3395699999999999 * 0.9=0.30561299999999997
 Instance Weight is now :0.30561299999999997

Running instance 2
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
                         Instance Weight=0.7
                         Instance Weight is now :0.7

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Test Weight=0. W = W/2: 0.500000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.500000000
 Instance Weight=0.7 * 0.5=0.35
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.35 * 0.7=0.24499999999999997
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.24499999999999997 * 0.99=0.24254999999999996
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.24254999999999996 * 0.9=0.21829499999999996
 Instance Weight is now :0.21829499999999996

Running instance 3
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =0 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LEFalse: 0.300000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.300000000
                         Instance Weight=0.3
                         Instance Weight is now :0.3

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=0
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 0

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.3 * 0.7=0.21
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.21 * 0.7=0.147
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.147 * 0.99=0.14553
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.14553 * 0.9=0.130977
 Instance Weight is now :0.130977

Running instance 4
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Test Weight=0. W = W/2: 0.500000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.500000000
                         Instance Weight=0.5
                         Instance Weight is now :0.5

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.5 * 0.7=0.35
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.35 * 0.7=0.24499999999999997
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.24499999999999997 * 0.99=0.24254999999999996
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.24254999999999996 * 0.9=0.21829499999999996
 Instance Weight is now :0.21829499999999996

Running instance 5
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
                         Instance Weight=0.7
                         Instance Weight is now :0.7

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.7 * 0.7=0.48999999999999994
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.48999999999999994 * 0.7=0.3429999999999999
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.3429999999999999 * 0.99=0.3395699999999999
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.3395699999999999 * 0.9=0.30561299999999997
 Instance Weight is now :0.30561299999999997

Running instance 6
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Test Weight=0. W = W/2: 0.500000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.500000000
                         Instance Weight=0.5
                         Instance Weight is now :0.5

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.5 * 0.7=0.35
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.35 * 0.7=0.24499999999999997
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.24499999999999997 * 0.99=0.24254999999999996
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.24254999999999996 * 0.9=0.21829499999999996
 Instance Weight is now :0.21829499999999996

Running instance 7
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
                         Instance Weight=0.7
                         Instance Weight is now :0.7

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.7 * 0.7=0.48999999999999994
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.48999999999999994 * 0.7=0.3429999999999999
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.3429999999999999 * 0.99=0.3395699999999999
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.3395699999999999 * 0.9=0.30561299999999997
 Instance Weight is now :0.30561299999999997

Running instance 8
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =0 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LEFalse: 0.300000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.300000000
                         Instance Weight=0.3
                         Instance Weight is now :0.3

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.3 * 0.7=0.21
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.21 * 0.7=0.147
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.147 * 0.99=0.14553
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.14553 * 0.9=0.130977
 Instance Weight is now :0.130977

Running instance 9
 Processing nodes at level 0
 Node: id=8165, Title=If AI development is not restrained, an AI  will be responsible for killing at least 1,000,000 people or bringing about a totalitarian state.
 Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
 Found 9 subnodes
             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8166, Title=There is a high probability a discovery will make a large discontiguous jump in the AI's intelligence
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 4 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8167, Title=This already happened with Alphazero
                         Prop.Belief: 0.600000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8168, Title=ChatGPT4 is a huge advance over previous chatsGPT
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8174, Title=If the AI leaks in some way and gains control of computational resources it could improve very rapidly
                         Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                         Found 3 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8177, Title=AI far more likely to leak since vast numbers of groups likely to be playing with it
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.800000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8180, Title=ChatGPT4 has already demonstrated capability of Python programming his escape. 
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8181, Title=A chatbot  has already been observed to talk a human into suicide.
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=2
                         >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0
                         ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
                         LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
                         LE Value=0.7
                         Target Weight =0 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LEFalse: 0.300000000
                         Calculating final weight for test node
                         Probability Score for test node:0.300000000
                         Instance Weight=0.3
                         Instance Weight is now :0.3

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8190, Title=137 emergent abilities of large language models
                         Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=0
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=4
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8175, Title=AIs have frequently expressed malice towards humans
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8176, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
             Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
             Found 2 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8178, Title=Already clear people are allowing it access to resources
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8179, Title=Stanford Researchers Build AI Program Similar to ChatGPT for $600
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=2
             >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8182, Title=Curve-fitting indicates that the Singularity will be reached at 4:13 am on May 19, 2023.
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8239, Title=We've passed the date and it hasn't happened yet.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         Found 2 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8240, Title=We don't know it hasn't happened because the AGI could be pretending stupidity while it plans and grows stronger
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8241, Title=The growth curve is scary even if it isn't exactly predictive of the timing
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     No subnodes found.
                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=1
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                     >> Final Weight: 1

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                         >> Final Weight: 0

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8183, Title= the top guys in AI admit they have no idea how to create safeAI.
             Prop.Belief: 0.200000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8184, Title=This says nothing about what will happen if the AI moratorium Is enacted
             Prop.Belief: 0.000000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8185, Title=This is irrelevant to the likelihood of the target statement.
                         Prop.Belief: 1.000000000
                         No subnodes found.
                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8186, Title="But how could AI systems actually kill people?"
             Prop.Belief: 0.100000000
             Found 1 subnodes
                         Processing nodes at level 2
                         Node: id=8187, Title=How about these?
                         Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                         Found 1 subnodes
                                     Processing nodes at level 3
                                     Node: id=8188, Title=Why would it want to kill humans
                                     Prop.Belief: 0.500000000
                                     Found 2 subnodes
                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8189, Title=Lots of reasons
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                                 Processing nodes at level 4
                                                 Node: id=8242, Title=Almost inevitably will want to kill humans for their resources or to prevent their interference
                                                 Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
                                                 No subnodes found.
                                                 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                                 >> Weight as per random value=1
                                                 >> Evaluating subnodes
                                                 >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                                 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                                                 >> Final Weight: 1

                                     ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                                     >> Weight as per random value=0
                                     >> Evaluating subnodes
                                     >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
                                     >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                                     >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
                                     >> Final Weight: 0

                         ===Weight Calculation of Node===
                         >> Weight as per random value=1
                         >> Evaluating subnodes
                         >> Number of Proof nodes=0
                         >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
                         >> Final Weight: 1

             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=0
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Found At least one Challenge with 1
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=0
             >> Final Weight: 0

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8274, Title=Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure
             Prop.Belief: 0.900000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

             Processing nodes at level 1
             Node: id=8276, Title=GPT4 now passes the mirror test of self-awareness.
             Prop.Belief: 0.990000000
             No subnodes found.
             ===Weight Calculation of Node===
             >> Weight as per random value=1
             >> Evaluating subnodes
             >> Number of Proof nodes=0
             >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
             >> Final Weight: 1

 ===Weight Calculation of Node===
 >> Weight as per random value=1
 >> Evaluating subnodes
 >> Number of Proof nodes=3
 >> Found At least one Proof node with 1
 >> Weight as per evaluation rules=1
 >> Final Weight: 1
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.7, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.700000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.99, LE False 0.3
 LE Value=0.7674418604651162
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.990000000
 ----Completing weight calculation of test nodes under this node---
 LE True 0.9, LE False 0.5
 LE Value=0.6428571428571429
 Target Weight =1 and Test Weight=1. W = W * LETrue: 0.900000000
 Calculating final weight for test node
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.3 * 0.7=0.21
 Probability Score for test node:0.700000000
 Instance Weight=0.21 * 0.7=0.147
 Probability Score for test node:0.990000000
 Instance Weight=0.147 * 0.99=0.14553
 Probability Score for test node:0.900000000
 Instance Weight=0.14553 * 0.9=0.130977
 Instance Weight is now :0.130977