
Should we defund the police after recent events?

Amit Sengupta
14 Jul 2020
Users 6
Amit Sengupta
18 Jul 2020
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Defunding is a sign of no-confidence

For an essential service like Law Enforcement, the only reason why one would want to cut down funding is if it was considered to be out of control and not serving its purpose. This is not like a charity where the State cuts funding simply because it does not have funds. You cannot defund the police just as you would not defund services like electricity, water or public transportation.

Even a banana republic keeps a police force because that is the main instrument which keeps law and order in the country.

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You can not defund the police or else it would be disastrous.  If the police were to be defunded, there is no way that order would be kept.  Crime rates would increase all across the country and that is just not good.  

After Ferguson,  and after Floyd, both times, both Black on black homicide and black traffic fatalities jumped up in places where the police feared to police because of being scared to be accused of racism, and where they were mostly told not to police by their mayors. 

Police is law enforcement and without law enforcement the crime rises. In fact, police department should be more funded and should get more support to do their duties. The Police should be well trained and get the best people and retain the best in the force.

For an essential service like Law Enforcement, the only reason why one would want to cut down funding is if it was considered to be out of control and not serving its purpose. This is not like a charity where the State cuts funding simply because it does not have funds. You cannot defund the police just as you would not defund services like electricity, water or public transportation.

Even a banana republic keeps a police force because that is the main instrument which keeps law and order in the country.

The phrase "defund the police" can get easily misinterpreted.  People might think that it means to withdraw all funding from the police.  I originally thought this until I did a little bit more research. 

Maybe do not fully defund the police.  Instead, you could take a little of the funds that the police do get and use it in other ways like social services.  But, fully defunding the police is not a good idea.

Defunding the police simply means reducing funding to police and instead redirecting those funds to programs better suited to their purpose.

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Though some police officers are corrupt and racist, the vast majority of officers have good intentions and are here to help us. Defunding our police doesn't help to stop the bad officers it only gives the police departments less money to get their jobs done. In major US cities like Chicago for example, the crime rates have jumped ever since they've defunded their police departments and it has become very difficult for the police to contain the situation.

Defund the police means "reduce funding", and the people asking for it are asking that those funds be allocated to services better suited to particular needs that the police are currently being used for

