
The Evidence Is Weak That Vaccines Have Saved More Lives than They Have Cost

02 Jun 2016
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02 Jun 2016
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The Evidence Is Weak That Vaccines Have Saved More Lives than They Have Cost. More Likely Net Loss.

The evidence that smallpox vaccine was instrumental in ending smallpox is weak. The effectiveness of the vaccine is quite questionable given the published record. The disease declined along with many unvaccinated others, and its highly unclear whether the vaccine helped. When the disease was finally eradicated, it was the culmination of a huge campaign of early quarantine.

The smallpox vaccine is acknowledged to have killed almost as many as smallpox in vaccinated countries in much of the 19th century. These deaths are undisputed to my knowledge, but the putative savings seem illusory.

The evidence that polio vaccine was instrumental in ending polio is weak. According to an article publiished in JAMA 1959, less than a third of the patients at the Detroit "Polio" epidemic even had the polio virus or antibodies to it. Perhaps "polio" epidemics had some other cause, such as DDT. The polio vaccine is also acknoweldged to have caused many cases of paralysis and polio and to continuing to cause cases of vaccine-derived polio. Again, these cases appear established, but any gains may be illusory.

Tetanus deaths have fallen by far more than can be attributed to the vaccine. The vaccine may prevent some deaths, but it is rare for anyone in the country to die of tetanus now, and the vaccine is only protective by maybe a factor of 50. So if nobody was vaccinated, only at most some dozens of people may die. Not good, but compare the downsides below.

Rabies maybe has saved some people.

The evidence that other vaccines have saved large numbers of lives is very weak. Measles cases are down since measles vaccine was introduced, but the number of deaths per year in the country was only a few hundred before the vaccine in widespread use, and had been falling dramatically, down 99.96% before vaccine introduction in England. Very possible measles deaths would have gone away as fast or faster without vaccine. 

The evidence that vaccine–induced herd immunity exists and is helping is weak. In fact, there's evidence vaccines are causing repeated outbreaks.

There is significantly stronger evidence for vaccines causing harm in a variety of ways: including contributing to infant deaths, and likely infecting humanity with SV-40 and Chimpanzee Coryza Virus,  and possibly HIV. Chimpanzee Coryza Virus, called RSV in humans, kills millions worldwide. Mostly this is laid out in a separate topic:http://truthsift.com/search_view?id=406&nid=4083 
Assuming vaccines are causing damage, we can estimate the carnage from some of the regressions.
Regression indicates that each 7 vaccines in the national series is associated with an increased IMR of 1/1000. Extrapolating from that estimate, vaccines kill 4/1000 infants in the first year in the US. If vaccines are responsible for the autism epidemic, and there's virtually no evidence they aren't and considerable evidence they are, they are seriously harming another 2% or more of the population. 
HIV kills a few tens of thousand in the US. SV-40 contributes to some cancers. Vaccine aluminum causes extreme obesity in mice, perhaps vaccines are contributing the the epidemics of obesity and diabetes. 7% of the children now have autoimmune problems and the average child more than one  chronic ailment such as allergies or neurodermatitis in a German study.


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The Evidence Is Weak That Vaccines Have Saved More Lives than They Have Cost. More Likely Net Loss.
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It seems very likely that the " Spanish” "Flu” of 1918,  which resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million people,  was actually a bacteriological infection resulting from a vaccine experiment by the Rockefeller Institute on soldiers in Fort Riley Kansas.   Fort Riley is where the first case was found,  scientists have never identified the virus in modern times,  almost all the dead were from bacterial pneumonia. 

Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.

Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strainThe most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.



nThe most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.


Injections and acute flaccid myelitis: the dog that hasn't barked

The editorial and review of the US outbreaks of acute flaccid myelitis/AFM is timely, but it fails to mention a potentially important co-factor in the cause of this “mystery illness”—intramuscular injections and provocation paralysis. (Stelzer-Braid, BMJ, 19 Dec 2018)

I venture to say that few clinicians today are aware that injections are strong risk factors for paralytic polio: recent injections (e.g. antibiotics, vaccinations) have accounted for 66% to 86% of attributable risk of paralysis when polioviruses are circulating. (Hill and Knowelden, BMJ, 1 July 1950. Strebel et al, NEJM 1995;332:500. Kohler et al, Int J Epidem, 2002;32:272) Even fewer clinicians are likely to know about poliovirus receptors, which are not expressed in normal human muscle fibers but are rapidly up-regulated in muscle damaged by injections. (Dalakas et al, NEJM 1995;333:62) This enables circulating polioviruses to bind to motor end plates from where they are transported along motor nerves to the spinal cord. (Gromeier and Wimmer, J Virol 1998;72:5056. Ren and Racaniello, J Infect Dis 1992;166:747) 99% of poliovirus infections are benign and self-limited, but of the 1% of paralytic cases a substantial proportion are provoked by injections. There is a dose-response effect: in Strebel’s report of vaccine-associated paralytic polio/VAPP in Romania, a single injection within 30 days of paralysis onset increased VAPP risk 8-fold; 2 to 9 injections increase VAPP risk 27-fold; and 10 or more injections increased VAPP risk 182-fold! For the contacts of OPV recipients the peak risk occurred when injections were given 8 to 21 days before onset of paralysis, similar to Hill’s observations from the 1949 polio epidemic in the UK.

It would seem that the foregoing observations should apply to recent AFM outbreaks. Gromeier, for example, showed experimentally how IM injections provoked paralytic polio, and suggested that the same thing could happen with non-polio enteroviruses. In spite of this, CDC investigations have included no questions about injections. This is surprising since the CDC was responsible for the Strebel study of provocation paralysis in Romania. They steadfastly publicize AFM as a “mystery disease.”

As of December 17, 2018 the CDC had confirmed 165 US cases of AFM so far in 2018; another 155 possible cases were under investigation. Since August 2014 there have been a total of 491 cases of AFM confirmed by the CDC, and some experts believe that the actual number is substantially larger because many cases go unreported…..This is a devastating disease: only 8% to 18% of children with AFM fully recover and 8% to 14% are left with severe disabilities. (Gill et al, CMAJ 2018 Dec 3;190:E1418)

Mere mention of injections in connection with AFM seems to be taboo, at least in US publicity about this mystery disease. I am aware of a single exception. On November 1, 2016 the Seattle Times reported the death of a 6 year-old boy from Bellingham, Washington from what was thought to be AFM. The case provoked some controversy because the family suspected vaccinations: 14 days before the onset of his illness he had received multiple vaccines for school admission, plus a flu shot. The Washington State Department of Health and hospital authorities publicly dismissed any role for vaccinations. Eventually, the CDC decided that his case was not AFM. The cause of his illness was never announced. (Seattle Times, Nov 5 and Nov 14, 2016)

Non-polio enteroviruses are at the top of the list of suspects, but I know from private correspondence that a number of pediatric experts believe we must also consider injections and provocation paralysis as possible co-factors. AFM epidemiology is consistent with the pattern of enterovirus circulation; it also follows the timing of back-to-school shots. Why is AFM so prominent in the US? Does it have anything to do with immunization policies and practices? Where do we go from here…..?

ALLAN S. CUNNINGHAM 20 December 2018

Competing interests: No competing interests


For a detailed examination of the evidence regarding vaccine iatrogenics see the attached proof statement or go directly to the diagram cited by  it on the subject:http://truthsift.com/search_view?id=406&nid=4098 

Based on the evidence there, we will assume that vaccines are causing infant death, aluminum toxicity, ASD, and have introduced several unwanted viruses into humanity.  To get a very rough estimate of the number of people killed or maimed, we'll look at a few estimates here:

If you regress infant mortality rates against number of vaccines in the national series over the developed nations, you find that for each 7 vaccines is associated with an additional 1/1000 mortality in developed nations. By that measure the US vaccine series is estimated to be killing 4/1000 babies in the first year. In the US, that would be about 16,000 dead/yr. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/

If you regress vaccine compliance against ASD and SLI accross the 50 states, you find for each 1% increase in compliance an additional 680 children ASD or SLI. By that measure about 60,000 are estimated to be given ASD or SLI. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535

In addition Bishop et al found each additional 40mcg/kg of parenteral aluminum in preemies cost about a mental development point. Linear extrapolation to the 4000mcg in the vaccine series first 6 months suggests its maybe costing the entire vaccinated population 15 IQ points.http://truthsift.com/search_view?id=406&nid=4118 

A number of viruses have or may have entered humanity through vaccines.   http://truthsift.com/search_view?id=406&nid=4148 

Among those are:

Chimpanzee Coryza Virus seems to have entered humanity via contaminated polio vaccine and become RSV, which hospitalizes 100K infants per year in the US and kills millions worldwide. http://www.bmj.com/content/344/bmj.e2398/rr/599724

HIV may very well have also come from contaminated polio vaccine.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13QiSV_lrDQ   http://www.aidsorigins.com


SV-40 may cause half of Hodgkins Lymphoma as well as other cancers http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11897278. ;



J Clin Microbiol. 1995 Sep;33(9):2485-8. Detection of measles virus RNA in urine specimens from vaccine recipients.

Rota PA, Khan AS, Durigon E, Yuran T, Villamarzo YS, Bellini WJ.

Abstract:: Analysis of urine specimens by using reverse transcriptase-PCR was evaluated as a rapid assay to identify individuals infected with measles virus. For the study, daily urine samples were obtained from either 15-month-old children or young adults following measles immunization. Overall, measles virus RNA was detected in 10 of 12 children during the 2-week sampling period. In some cases, measles virus RNA was detected as early as 1 day or as late as 14 days after vaccination. Measles virus RNA was also detected in the urine samples from all four of the young adults between 1 and 13 days after vaccination. This assay will enable continued studies of the shedding and transmission of measles virus and, it is hoped, will provide a rapid means to identify measles infection, especially in mild or asymptomatic cases.

For many other examples and citations see:




That's a good link, but it has some of the usual problems. In the first place, all it does is compare infection rate among some non-vaccinated group before the vaccine was introduced to their infection rate after. That has the usual problems claims of vaccine importance always have, namely (1) they invariably tighten the clinical definition of the disease when they introduce the vaccine (otherwise the people being misdiagnosed before under the new definition but who really didn't have the virus would get the disease in spite of being vaccinated which is embarrassing)

(2) infectious disease rates have been declining for more than 200 years, and they take no account of the background decline which can potentially explain the whole effect.

To their credit they are careful to realize that you won't get a herd effect for diseases like measles and pertussis where the effectiveness of the vaccine wears off rapidly and thus a large fraction of the population even if they are 100% vaccinated Will be susceptible to clinical or subclinical infections. This is why there is no hope of a herd effect for measles and you'll notice they don't discuss measles.





A twice vaccinated person not only contracted measles, but spread it to 2 other twice vaccinated people.

http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/02/27/cid.ciu105 ;

Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011

Jennifer B. Rosen1, Jennifer S. Rota2, Carole J. Hickman2, Sun Sowers2, Sara Mercader2, Paul A. Rota2, William J. Bellini2, Ada J. Huang3, Margaret K. Doll1, Jane R. Zucker1,2, and Christopher M. Zimmerman1

Clin Infect Dis. (2014)

doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu105

First published online: February 27, 2014

Conclusions. This is the first report of measles transmission from a twice vaccinated individual. 

Before the polio vaccine, Doctors used to routinely call any childhood paralysis polio. It played well on insurance forms. Here’s an analysis of the Detroit polio epidemic of 1958. http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=327642  They had a big epidemic, but when they went in and examined the cases, it turned out that less than 1/3 of the patients even had polio virus, and whether it is what was causing their problem is of course even then unclear. Maybe they would have beat it easy without some other factor (eg DDT).

So how did the polio vaccine stop a disease where at least 2/3 of the cases didn’t have the virus? It seems plausible that most polio cases back in the day were mostly or entirely DDT poisoning. Polio is normally a very mild disease. DDT exposure makes you more vulnerable. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4285235    

Supposedly rich people used to spray DDT around to keep bugs away, prevent polio. (Here's a paper arguing that FDR didn't even have polio: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14562158  ) In so doing, some maybe gave their kids polio, much like parents today, thinking to protect their kids, seem to be vaccinating them and making them sick.


Here's another discussion of the history of polio. https://idsent.wordpress.com/2015/03/15/sorry-in-the-vaccine-debate-the-experts-are-the-historians/?fb_action_ids=10206904382260412&fb_action_types=og.shares 
It discusses in detail how the definition of polio was changed when they introduced the vaccine, how the timing of polio epidemics suggests that they were actually caused by DDT spraying campaigns, how the early polio vaccine also caused increase in polio cases, and more about how the contamination of polio vaccine by SV-40 was discovered and ignored by authorities and covered up.

Here is another discussion: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/everything-you-learned-about-cause-polio-wrong?fbclid=IwAR0QfXpRtoLON54YuKlbYLCLzrvDHb6T0lc_prGFgvQeD4DFLCx1sPZtfnob 

 Why Do Pertussis Vaccines Fail? 

James D. Cherry  Pediatrics 2012;129;968; originally published online April 23, 2012; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2011-2594 http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/5/968.full.html Free version: http://scepticsbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pediatrics-2012-Cherry-968-70.pdf 

"...The first reason, and perhaps the most important one, is that our estimates of vaccine efficacy have been inflated because of case definition.3–11 At the time of the pediatric diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine efficacy trials in the early 1990s, it was hoped that a universal case definition could be developed so that the results of the various trials could be compared. To this end, the World Health Organization (WHO) casedefinition was developed.3 The primary case definition requiredlaboratory confirmation and $21 days of paroxysmal cough. I was a member of the WHO committee and disagreed with the primary case definition because it was clear at that time that this definition would eliminate a substantial number of cases and therefore inflate reported efficacy values.4–11 ...

In addition, even these latter efficacies are likely inflated owing to [Extensive cited descriptions of orbserver bias]." http://scepticsbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pediatrics-2012-Cherry-968-70.pdf

Hat tip to http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/why-whooping-cough-vaccine-does-not-work-advertised 


Re: Polio eradication: a complex end game

06 June 2012

Dr Viera Scheibner (PhD)

Part 2


"Deleterious effects and ineffectiveness of smallpox vaccination have been among the main smallpox issues discussed in medical papers for a long time. In 1928, the British Medical Journal (21 January: 115-116) published an article by Dr Garrow showing that the fatality rate among the vaccinated cases of smallpox in England and Wales in 1923 and 1926, in those over 15 years of age, was higher than among the unvaccinated. Dr Parry, one of the contributors to the discussion, summarised the questions raised by Dr Garrow:


1. How is it that small-pox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in unvaccinated.

2. How is it that, as the percentage of people vaccinated has steadily fallen from about 85 in 1870 to about 40 in 1925, the number of people attacked with variola has declined pari passu and the case mortality has progressively lessened? The years with least vaccination have been the years of least small-pox and of least mortality.

3. How is it that in some of our best vaccinated towns – for example Bombay and Calcutta – small-pox is rife, while in some of our worst vaccinated towns, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown?

4. How is it that something like 80 percent of the cases admitted into the Metropolitan Asylum Board small-pox hospitals have been vaccinated whilst only 20 percent have not been vaccinated?

5. How is it that in Germany, the best vaccinated country in the world, there are more deaths [from smallpox] in proportion to the population than in England – for example, in 1919, 28 deaths in England, 707 in Germany; in 1920, 30 deaths in England, 354 in Germany. In Germany, in 1919 there were 5,012 cases of small-pox with 6 deaths. What is the explanation?

6. Is it possible to explain the lessened incidence and fatality of small-pox on the same grounds as the lessened incidence and fatality of other infectious fevers – namely, as due to improved hygiene and administrative control?


Re: Polio eradication: a complex end game

Polio eradication by vaccination? Part 1 06 June 2012 Dr Viera Scheibner (PhD)


"They also noted that while India was declared polio-free in 2011, at the same time there were 47500 cases of NPAFP, which increased in direct proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received. Independent studies showed that children identified with NPAFP “were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection”.

According to their report, nationally, the NPAFP rate is now twelve times higher than expected. In the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar – which have pulse polio vaccination every month – the NPAFP rate is 25 and 35 fold higher than the international norms (Ramesh Shankar, Mumbai 2012).

Ron Law (Assaulting alternative medicine: worthwhile or witch hunt? BMJ.com 10 March 2012) recently addressed the polio situation in India: eradication has been achieved by re-naming the disease. Poliomyelitis paralysis which occurs even after 30+ vaccination doses, is now called acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) or polio-like paralysis; hardly a great success of vaccination or comfort to the parents of the more than 60 000 affected children.

Earlier redefinition of poliomyelitis had been introduced in the US: a disease with residual paralysis which resolves within 60 days changed into a disease with residual paralysis which persists for more than 60 days. Cases of paralysis which resolve within 60 days (99% of cases) are diagnosed as viral or aseptic meningitis.

According to MMWR (1997; 32[29]: 384-385), there are 30 000 to 50 000 cases of viral/aseptic meningitis per year in the US. Considering that in the pre-vaccine era the vast majority (99%) of the reported cases were non-paralytic (corresponding to aseptic or viral meningitis), vaccination has actually increased the incidence of poliomyelitis. Before mass vaccination there were a few hundred or few thousand cases of polio in some outbreaks, while now it is up to 50 000 cases every year.

Figure 1 in Schonberger et al. (1984. Control of poliomyelitis in the United States. Rev infect dis; 6 (Suppl 2: S424-S426) shows the steady downward trend in the incidence of poliomyelitis stopping, and indeed increasing, when DPT and P vaccination became mandatory in the US in the mid-seventies.

The experience in northern Namibia showed that with no polio vaccination children developed natural immunity to the wild polio virus without developing paralysis (Biellik et al. 1994. Poliomyelitis in Namibia. Lancet 344: 1776).

The vaccine viruses inactivation by a 14-day treatment with 1:4000 formaldehyde solution is the subject to asymptotic factor making the inactivation incomplete (Gerber et al. 1961. Inactivation of vacuolating virus (SV 40) by formaldehyde, Proc Soc Exp Biol & Med; 108: 205-209), and, Fenner (1962. The reactivation of animal viruses. BMJ; July 21: 135-142) showed that the process is also reversible.

Evans et al. (1985. Nature ; 314: 548-550) demonstrated “Increased neurovirulence associated with a single nucleotide change in a noncoding region of the Sabin type 3 poliovirus genome”.

The only way to eradicate paralytic poliomyelitis is to stop vaccinating.

 "Conclusions. Based on now more than 120 years of published orthodox medical research, vaccines of any kind, smallpox and polio including, not only increase their recipients’ susceptibility to the targeted diseases, but also to related and unrelated bacterial and viral infections. Hence outbreaks mainly in the vaccinated who also infect contacts. The best way to stop epidemics is to stop vaccinating and let nature do its own thing."

BMJ editorial on how measles vaccine is largely useless and possibly dangerous: https://www.bmj.com/content/362/bmj.k3976/rr-11?fbclid=IwAR04A2N8nxGh7lCy8r36LQBzZKtbJgFOdguWQ4FGcRL5L1zLhQLHO9K5qkI


The number of "saved lives" may be hard to estimate, given the other factors involved in the termination of an outbreak, but any resonable estimate surely exceeds the harm caused by the vaccination itself. Here is one study on the vaccine's effectiveness: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30165-8/fulltext . Here is the most current info from the WHO regarding the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine http://www.who.int/ebola/drc-2018/faq-vaccine/en/


This vaccine is about two years old so nothing at all is a known about its long-term effects, so the repeated claims on the WHO citation that it is  "proven safe and effective" show you something  Not very complementary about their definition of  "proven safe".

 There appears to be no evidence whatsoever that the vaccine was instrumental in curbing spread. There have been at least 10 outbreaks previously with no vaccine that they stopped so it seems quite plausible that the strategy of isolating victims is what is being successful, just as it was in smallpox. At best this seems another case of post hoc ergo propter hock.

The current outbreak, in spite of the vaccine, has spread to urban centers and is sometimes described as out of control. https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/story/drc-what-we-know-about-latest-ebola-outbreak?source=ADD180U0U00&utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=GooglePaid&utm_content=NonBrand&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItJz6yc7R3gIVg-DICh3-5g-HEAAYASAAEgL-6fD_BwE

 I haven't found any evidence or claim that the vaccine is even effective against the current strain. It is claimed to be effective against one strain, but nobody seems to be claiming that is the current strain.

Ebola is an animal disease that has probably existed for a very long time although the first case that was confirmed was in 1976. In history there are less than 2000 deaths confirmed from Ebola, In spite of the fact that the vaccine was only very recently developed and hasn't even been licensed yet. Only some thousands of people have ever been vaccinated. To try to compare this to all the deaths from the smallpox vaccine and all the ongoing deaths likely happening from vaccine aluminum and all the deaths from RSV which was presumably due to contaminated polio vaccine and all the autism which is likely due to vaccine aluminum http://truthsift.com/search_view?topic=&id=406&next=6678&fs=0  etc  Is extraordinarily alarmist about Ebola and not supported by the evidence.  It seems a very thin reed  indeed to try to hang the benefits of vaccines on a vaccine that isn't even licensed yet. 

  The question in this  topic is whether there is strong evidence that vaccine benefits outweigh the harm. This could not be described as strong evidence of that.


"Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is just another name for what would have been called polio in 1955, and is used to describe a sudden onset of paralysis."

See image below for recent data showing between 1996 and 2010 combined AFP plus "polio" has increased from 18,000 to 100,000 and see link below for more discussion and background.




The evidence that smallpox vaccine was instrumental in ending smallpox is weak. The effectiveness of the vaccine is quite questionable given the published record. The disease declined along with many unvaccinated others, and its highly unclear whether the vaccine helped. When the disease was finally eradicated, it was the culmination of a huge campaign of early quarantine.

The smallpox vaccine is acknowledged to have killed almost as many as smallpox in vaccinated countries in much of the 19th century. These deaths are undisputed to my knowledge, but the putative savings seem illusory.

The evidence that polio vaccine was instrumental in ending polio is weak. According to an article publiished in JAMA 1959, less than a third of the patients at the Detroit "Polio" epidemic even had the polio virus or antibodies to it. Perhaps "polio" epidemics had some other cause, such as DDT. The polio vaccine is also acknoweldged to have caused many cases of paralysis and polio and to continuing to cause cases of vaccine-derived polio. Again, these cases appear established, but any gains may be illusory.

Tetanus deaths have fallen by far more than can be attributed to the vaccine. The vaccine may prevent some deaths, but it is rare for anyone in the country to die of tetanus now, and the vaccine is only protective by maybe a factor of 50. So if nobody was vaccinated, only at most some dozens of people may die. Not good, but compare the downsides below.

Rabies maybe has saved some people.

The evidence that other vaccines have saved large numbers of lives is very weak. Measles cases are down since measles vaccine was introduced, but the number of deaths per year in the country was only a few hundred before the vaccine in widespread use, and had been falling dramatically, down 99.96% before vaccine introduction in England. Very possible measles deaths would have gone away as fast or faster without vaccine. 

The evidence that vaccine–induced herd immunity exists and is helping is weak. In fact, there's evidence vaccines are causing repeated outbreaks.

There is significantly stronger evidence for vaccines causing harm in a variety of ways: including contributing to infant deaths, and likely infecting humanity with SV-40 and Chimpanzee Coryza Virus,  and possibly HIV. Chimpanzee Coryza Virus, called RSV in humans, kills millions worldwide. Mostly this is laid out in a separate topic:http://truthsift.com/search_view?id=406&nid=4083 
Assuming vaccines are causing damage, we can estimate the carnage from some of the regressions.
Regression indicates that each 7 vaccines in the national series is associated with an increased IMR of 1/1000. Extrapolating from that estimate, vaccines kill 4/1000 infants in the first year in the US. If vaccines are responsible for the autism epidemic, and there's virtually no evidence they aren't and considerable evidence they are, they are seriously harming another 2% or more of the population. 
HIV kills a few tens of thousand in the US. SV-40 contributes to some cancers. Vaccine aluminum causes extreme obesity in mice, perhaps vaccines are contributing the the epidemics of obesity and diabetes. 7% of the children now have autoimmune problems and the average child more than one  chronic ailment such as allergies or neurodermatitis in a German study.


I found an interesting study that will let me say something positive about vaccines for a change:


The authors looked at all the reported US national reports of child tetanus cases for the years 1992-2000. They found there were 15 cases in the 8 year span. No deaths, but some hospitalizations. 12 of the 15 were un-vaccinated. (I’m assuming all or most cases get reported, which I think is likely. Otherwise you’d need a factor for reporting frequency in the back of the envelope calculations below.)


The first thing their survey tells you is, the tetanus vaccine seems to protect against tetanus. Something like 90% of the population is vaccinated according to the CDC, yet only 20% of the tetanus cases are. That suggests the vaccine is something like 97% effective at protecting against tetanus, which I think makes it probably more effective than any other I know of. If every child were vaccinated the number of cases over the 8 year period might well have dropped from 15 to the 3 vaccinated cases they had or maybe 4 if they got another.


The second thing it tells you is, even if all the vaccinated had been UNvaccinated so they all got it 30 times as much, you might only expect 100 cases nationwide over the 8 year span. (How does that compare to the number of serious complications from the vaccine?) The chance of an unvaccinated child getting tetanus over the 8 year span seems maybe to be something like 1/500,000 or less, figuring that roughly 50 million vaccinated kids generated 3 cases so vaccinated maybe has 3/50 million, unvaccinated maybe 30 times as great or 1/500k.

(The 10% unvaccinated are maybe 5 million who generated roughly 10 cases, which checks the math.)

Those are childhood cases, but I'll assume adult cases is some small multiple, so it seems without vaccination you'd have dozens of cases per year.


According to this history https://sites.google.com/site/tetanuswiki/project-definition : there used to be 200 cases per 100K people per year. (Caveat: This may be an overestimate for children, so I’m not quite apples to apples to the above figures which are of children. There maybe should be a fudge factor for that.) A frequency of 1/500. So tetanus frequency has dropped by a factor of maybe roughly 30000, of which maybe a factor 30 was due to the vaccine and 1000 was due to other factors unknown. I don’t see how this drop can possibly be attributed to herd immunity, since tetanus is not passed between humans. So tetanus is another example of a disease that largely vanished where a vaccine seems NOT to have been the major factor in the vanishing.

http://whqlibdoc.who.int/smallpox/9241561106.pdf ;

The claims of vaccine efficacy against smallpox are based on the claim that they looked at smallpox victims in epidemics in third world countries and mostly couldn't find a vaccination scar. They are looking for a tiny old scar in people covered with pustules, including quite possibly pustules right on top of the scar, and probably not looking all that hard. They were hoping not to find it. This is the purest of confirmation bias.

Wouldn't even be all that surprising if a vaccinated individual who later gets smallpox preferentially gets a pustule right on top of the scar.

The cognitive bias inherent in this approach is extensively supported by Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-inventor of Evolution, in his book VACCINATION A DELUSION, Its Penal Enforcement a Crime: PROVED BY THE OFFICIAL EVIDENCE IN THE REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION” BY ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE LL.D. DUBL., D.C.L. OXON., F.R.S., ETC. (1898) http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/wallace/S536.htm ;;

 For example he quotes:"I have always classed those as 'unvaccinated,' when no scar, presumably arising from [[p. 26]] vaccination, could be discovered. Individuals are constantly seen who state that they have been vaccinated, but upon whom no cicatrices can be traced. In a prognostic and a statistic point of view, it is better, and, I think, necessary, to class them as unvaccinated" (Dr. Gayton's Report for the Homerton Hospital for 1871-2-3).

 "In the Second Report of the Commission, pp. 219-20, a witness declared that out of six persons who died of small-pox and were reported by the medical officer of the Union to have been unvaccinated, five were found to have been vaccinated, one being a child who had been vaccinated by the very person who made the report, and another a man who had been twice revaccinated in the militia (Q. 6730-42). One other case may be given. In October, 1883, three unvaccinated children were stated in the Registrar-General's weekly return of deaths in London to have died of small-pox, "being one, four, and nine years of age, and all from 3, Medland Street, Stepney." On enquiry at the [[p. 27]] address given (apparently by oversight in this one case) the mother stated that the three children were hers, and that "all had been beautifully vaccinated." This case was investigated by Mr. J. Graham Spencer, of 33, Rigault Road, Fulham Park Gardens, and the facts were published in the local papers and also in The Vaccination Inquirer of December, 1883.


 Also they are I think ignoring the hidden factor that people who were poorer and more malnourished were likely way more likely because of that to (a) get smallpox and (b) not have gotten vaccinated.

BTW, worth pointing out that smallpox vaccine, unlike every other I know of, isn't even using the same virus. They used cowpox, that was the "breakthrough". 

Chen et al, Measles antibody: reevaluation of protective titers http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2230231
reported on data from a measles outbreak that came just after a school blood drive. So they had before and after titer information on the students. They observed that 7 out of 8 donors with titers below 120 got clinical measles, compared with none having titer above 120. So a titer of 120 appears to protect against getting clinical measles. However, 70% of donors with titers between 120 and 1050 reported symptoms without getting the rash, as did 30% of donors with titers above 1050, and about 70% of patients in the 120-1050 group also had their titers go up by a factor of more than 4, indicating that they had had a measles virus infection, even though short of clinical measles.

So the conclusion: below 120, vulnerable to measles. Above 120, won’t get clinical measles, but may get ill without rash and become contagious for measles. Below 1050, 70% chance of getting ill and becoming contagious for measles. Above 1050, less than 30%.

Le Baron et al, Persistence of measles antibodies after 2 doses of measles vaccine in a postelimination environment http://archpedi.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=569784
studied how long titers persist in kids after their last booster. The results are plain in their Figure 3. They report that around 95% of recipients of the MMR have a titer over the 120 that Chen et al predict should prevent one from getting clinical measles for at least 10 years. (After that the percentage vulnerable starts rising rapidly.) That’s the good news.

The bad news is, they report that 2 years after their last booster, more than a third of kids will have titers below 1050, the region where, according to Chen et al, such kids will have a 70% chance of becoming ill and contagious if exposed, although they won’t show the rash. And 30% of kids with titers not far above that, and there are many of those, may also become ill and contagious.

Another study confirms this. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21539880 Vaccine. 2011 Jun 15;29(27):4485-91. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.037. Epub 2011 May 1. A large observational study to concurrently assess persistence of measles specific B-cell and T-cell immunity in individuals following two doses of MMR vaccine. Haralambieva IH, Ovsyannikova IG, O'Byrne M, Pankratz VS, Jacobson RM, Poland GA.

Reports only 23% of people have a PRMN titer of over 1050, 7.4 years after their last MMR booster.

Putting this together, almost everybody in the population over 13 or so is susceptible to at least sub-clinical infection. 

This is why, I expect, you see constant epidemics in near 100% vaccinated populations, and herd immunity is nothing but a marketing slogan of the vaccine industry. For example, New York State boasts a 97% compliance rate for MMR in kindergarten http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6133a2.htm .
Yet they have measles outbreaks every year or two, including a measles outbreak starting with a fully vaccinated index case http://news.sciencemag.org/health/2014/04/measles-outbreak-traced-fully-vaccinated-patient-first-time
and a measles outbreak with 90% of the patients vaccinated http://www.thedailysheeple.com/new-york-measles-outbreak-90-vaccinated_032014.

 In fact, it seems very likely that the pool of vaccinated carriers may well be keeping measles from being eradicated. As we saw in the NY case (although she apparently had a rash), a vaccinated carrier may not recognize they have measles or may not be quarantined, preventing the disease from being eradicated. Measles may travel from vaccinee to vaccinee, not getting the characteristic rash or being recognized, until finally it lights into an unvaccinated individual or one whose titer has faded below 120, and is declared measles.
If we persist in vaccinating, the disease may never go away, whereas it might well be that if we simply stopped vaccinating, the disease would vanish from the means that have likely eradicated most of the other diseases that have gone away: quarantine and better nutrition.

Measles Deaths had fallen by 99.96% in England from their peak before the vaccine was even introduced.

The measles vaccine was in widespread use in the US in 1966, and that year there were 261 deaths down from 6000/year  in the 1910's on 92 million people. http://www.cdc.gov/measles/about/history.html

So death rate had fallen 98% before vaccination in the US, could well have continued falling to zero now even without vaccination. 

At most, would be hundreds not more based on before vaccination.

A study showed that vaccinated baboons (but not naturally immune baboons) when exposed to pertussis carried the virus and could spread it for 35 days. Seemingly, as titers fade, the carriers take very long times to clear the virus if exposed. The reason for this may be what is known as "Original Antigenic Sin", the hypothesis that when you are vaccinated, your body ties itself down to one mode of fighting that virus, and gives up on its other defenses. So when titers fade, your defences are diminished.


 A new paper indicates pertussis is in fact spreading through asymptomatic transmission of vaccinated humans. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/13/146 ;;

An old paper: Whooping cough and pertussis vaccine: a comparison of risks and benefits in Britain during the period 1968-83. G T Stewart Dev Biol Stand. 1985;61:395-405. PMID: 3835080  

reports: "There was no evidence of a herd immunity sufficient to protect infants below age for vaccination." and "It is concluded that, in children living in non-deprived circumstances in Britain, the risk of pertussis vaccine during the period 1970-83 exceeded those of whooping cough. In some deprived sectors, the risks from whooping cough might have been marginally higher but there was no evidence that this was associated with any increase in deaths or permanent disabilities." http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/risk-adverse-events-pertussis-outweighed-risk-pertussis-infection-during-period-1970-83 ;;

Also evidence in a mouse model shows that pertussis vaccinees actually had a 40 fold increase in a different pertussis infection:

We show that aP vaccination helped clear B. pertussis but resulted in an approximately 40-fold increase in B. parapertussis lung colony-forming units (CFUs). Such vaccine-mediated facilitation of B. parapertussis did not arise as a result of competitive release; B. parapertussis CFUs were higher in aP-relative to sham-vaccinated hosts regardless of whether infections were single or mixed. Further, we show that aP vaccination impedes host immunity against B. parapertussis-measured as reduced lung inflammatory and neutrophil responses. Thus, we conclude that aP vaccination interferes with the optimal clearance of B. parapertussis and enhances the performance of this pathogen. Our data raise the possibility that widespread aP vaccination can create hosts more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20200027 ;;
http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/those-vaccinated-pertussis-vaccine-are-spreading-disease ;;

Finally it's worth noting that as always happens when they introduce a vaccine, they redefine the disease clinically making the numbers incompatible, and thus greatly exaggerated the effectiveness of the vaccine in the first place.   http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/5/968?sso=1&sso_redirect_count=1&nfstatus=401&nftoken=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&nfstatusdescription=ERROR%3a+No+local+token


The only reason I've seen to believe the vaccine was important in the eradication, is the timing, that the disease was eradicated after the vaccine was universal. That would be at best 1 bit of information, not a very strong piece of evidence. A lot of things happened before the disease was eradicated. But in fact, the timing argues strongly *against* the vaccine being important in the eradication.

Smallpox had regular epidemics in 100% vaccinated populations in England, Sweden, Massachussetts, and Germany, for more than a century. Here's some graphs showing the smallpox mortality rates spiking up again and again in completely vaccinated populations. http://www.dissolvingillusions.com/graphs/#1  ) There was a city in England, Leicester, that was famous for repealing mandatory vaccination, and concentrating on quarantine instead, which had much better results avoiding smallpox than all the vaccinated cities around it.   (see also Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk (2013)

"In the epidemic of 1871, of 30,472 cases of smallpox, no less than 29,429 were vaccinated, as shown in the documents of the State." G.F. Kolb, member of the Royal Statistical Commission of Bavaria. (Letter of 1882)
(The other quotations at that link are of interest too, 12 historical excerpts on the subject of Smallpox effectiveness.)

According to the WHO report, the last outbreak of smallpox on the planet, in Yugoslavia in 1972, the index case was vaccinated a month before, and 3/4 of the adult cases had been vaccinated.

http://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/67617  Epidemiologic aspects of smallpox in Yugoslavia in 1972 / by S. Litvinjenko, B. Arsi, S. Borjanovi  Issue Date: 1973 Publisher: Geneva, Switzerland : World Health Organization Description: WHO/SE/73.57

So was the vaccine really conferring immunity, or just a placebo?

For more historical context, please see: VACCINATION A DELUSION, Its Penal Enforcement a Crime: PROVED BY THE OFFICIAL EVIDENCE IN THE REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION" BY ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE LL.D. DUBL., D.C.L. OXON., F.R.S., ETC. (1898) http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/wallace/S536.htm 

Here's Larry Brilliant giving a TED talk on how smallpox was eradicated, which involved a massive quarantine campaign that knocked on literally billions of doors to catch cases early and quarantine them.
"The key to eradicating smallpox was early detection, early response. I'm going to ask you to repeat that: early detection, early response. Can you say that?"

"A surveillance system was necessary, because what we needed was early detection, early response. So we searched and we searched, and we found every case of smallpox in India. We had a reward. We raised the reward.We continued to increase the reward. We had a scorecard that we wrote on every house. And as we did that, the number of reported cases in the world dropped to zero. And in 1980, we declared the globe free of smallpox.

9:37It was the largest campaign in United Nations history, until the Iraq war. "


The evidence vaccines cured diseases is mostly that the vaccines were discovered before the diseases went away. But other things happened before the diseases went away.Why focus on the vaccines? 

For example, nutrition improved. Refrigeration and better trade meant people got fresh fruit and vegetables year round. That may have been most of the difference by itself. The decline of scurvy as a killer pretty much mirrors the decline of smallpox as a killer. They started putting vitamin d in the milk and distributing it in school. Vitamins A, C, and D are important for resistance to various bugs including,  doctors have reported, measles and polio. And many other nutrients may be important as well in immunity to particular diseases. For example, Keshan's Disease is devastating to those with a selenium deficiency, no problem for anyone else's immune system.

 Society became much better at isolating viruses and bacteria, so they couldn't pass from one afflicted individual to another and died out. This happened because of better sanitation, better sewage, quarantine. 

Another problem with the timing evidence allegedly supporting vaccines causing decline in infectious disease: they invariably change the clinical definition of the disease exactly when they released the vaccine, thus corrupting the data. Polio was often diagnosed for any childhood paralysis before the vaccine, but after the vaccine that wouldn't do, so you had to have paralysis actually caused by the virus. Likewise measles was likely substantially overdiagnosed before the vaccine, and its definition changed, and so on for probably every vaccine.  Pertussis was changed just when they introduced DTaP.

Diseases where there was no vaccine, or no widely administered vaccine, vanished alongside ones with vaccines. For example Bubonic plague, scurvy, scarlet fever, typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis. 

Finally, the timing does not really suggest the vaccines were the key factor because all of the vaccine diseases, except smallpox, were in decline well before the vaccines were in widespread use. Measles mortality was down 98% in the US, an astonishing 99.96% in England before the vaccine. And for smallpox, there was more than a century of periodic epidemics in 100% vaccinated populations in multiple countries.

I attach one illustrative figure. https://childhealthsafety.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/us-deaths-1900-1965.gif   

Many more may be found at: https://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs/   

and at  http://www.dissolvingillusions.com/graphs/#1 (see also Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk (2013)) 


For a detailed examination of the evidence regarding vaccine iatrogenics see 


which establishes: 

The preponderance of the evidence indicates the vaccine series is causing a serious problem like autism spectrum disorder, autoimmune problems, damaged immune system, death, or decreased IQ in a substantial fraction of recipients of the US childhood vaccine series.


Also see http://truthsift.com/search_view?id=386&nid=2822  for evidence flu shots damage immune systems.
