
Does the preponderance of the evidence indicate vaccine aluminum causes autism?

03 Jun 2018
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14 Nov 2018
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There is extensive evidence that parenteral aluminum is highly neurotoxic even at much lower levels than those administered in vaccines

There is extensive evidence that parenteral aluminum is highly neurotoxic as well as a source of autoimmune disease even at much lower  doses than the quantities administered in vaccines. See this survey for a clear discussion with citations: http://www.jpands.org/vol21no4/miller.pdf

 the scariest result for me is Bishop et al NEJM 1998 reported a randomized placebo-controlled test on preemies that found for every 40 µg per kilogram administered the infant lost one mental development point, scale of 100 measured at 18 months. The first six months of the vaccine series contains about 4400 µg.

Proofs - PRO To Topic
Test Statements for Probability Testing
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Proofs - PRO to Topic
Refutations - CON to Topic
Test Statements for Probability Testing

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red cross
Tentatively Refuted
Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure
Another Good Survey on Mechanism
Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure
A list of 214 published papers indicating a vaccine autism link
Gardasil trial proved adjuvant caused 2.3% systematic autoimmune disease
There is extensive evidence that parenteral aluminum is highly neurotoxic even at much lower levels than those administered in vaccines
Those studies designed to fail. Also don't discuss aluminum at all, only MMR which doesn't have any
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Five clear replicable discoveries have explained how autism is triggered
The preponderance of the evidence indicates vaccine aluminum is a cause of autism.
nature article reports brain aluminum very high in ASD
More cargo cult science, doesn't cite the main references
Review Aluminum in vaccines: Does it create a safety problem?
Dr. Zimmerman, governments expert witness in 2007 saying vaccines don't cause autism, has recanted and says now they do
Strawman argument says nothing about aluminum
Dr. Peter Hotez presents arguments vaccines cannot and do not cause autism
Presents no evidence about aluminum
Epidemiological Evidence indicates a connection
The CDC says vaccines don't cause autism

Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure


Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, associated with compromised immune function. The incidence is alarmingly on the rise, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. This paper investigates word frequency patterns in the U.S. CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. Our results provide strong evidence supporting a link between autism and the aluminum in vaccines. A literature review showing toxicity of aluminum in human physiology offers further support. Mentions of autism in VAERS increased steadily at the end of the last century, during a period when mercury was being phased out, while aluminum adjuvant burden was being increased. Using standard log-likelihood ratio techniques, we identify several signs and symptoms that are significantly more prevalent in vaccine reports after 2000, including cellulitis, seizure, depression, fatigue, pain and death, which are also significantly associated with aluminum-containing vaccines. We propose that children with the autism diagnosis are especially vulnerable to toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury due to insufficient serum sulfate and glutathione. A strong correlation between autism and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine is also observed, which may be partially explained via an increased sensitivity to acetaminophen administered to control fever.

Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure †


Stephanie Seneff


Robert M. Davidson

 2 and 

Jingjing Liu



Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA


Internal Medicine Group Practice, PhyNet, Inc., Longview, TX 75604, USA


Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 

Expression of Concern Note added on 17 September 2015 by the Editors: The editors of the journal have been alerted to concerns over potential bias in opinions and bias in the choice of citation sources used in this article. We note that the authors stand by the content as published. Since the nature of the claims against the paper concern speculation and opinion, and not fraud or academic misconduct, the editors would like to make readers aware that the approach to collating literature citations for this article was likely not systematic and may not reflect the spectrum of opinions on the issues covered by the article. Please refer to our policy regarding possibly controversial articles.

Entropy 201214(11), 2227-2253; https://doi.org/10.3390/e14112227

How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure 


Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, associated with compromised immune function. The incidence is alarmingly on the rise, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. This paper investigates word frequency patterns in the U.S. CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. Our results provide strong evidence supporting a link between autism and the aluminum in vaccines. A literature review showing toxicity of aluminum in human physiology offers further support. Mentions of autism in VAERS increased steadily at the end of the last century, during a period when mercury was being phased out, while aluminum adjuvant burden was being increased. Using standard log-likelihood ratio techniques, we identify several signs and symptoms that are significantly more prevalent in vaccine reports after 2000, including cellulitis, seizure, depression, fatigue, pain and death, which are also significantly associated with aluminum-containing vaccines. We propose that children with the autism diagnosis are especially vulnerable to toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury due to insufficient serum sulfate and glutathione. A strong correlation between autism and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine is also observed, which may be partially explained via an increased sensitivity to acetaminophen administered to control fever.

Contrary to the repeated insistence of the CDC that vaccines have been shown not to cause autism,  here is a list of 214 papers that report results indicating it does. 



Gardasil trial proved adjuvant caused 2.3% systematic autoimmune disease

Large group got adjuvant, had 2.3% systematic autoimmune disease.

600 patients got saline,0 systematic autoimmune disease. That's a a 3.5 Sigma event unless adjuvant causing disease. 

There is extensive evidence that parenteral aluminum is highly neurotoxic as well as a source of autoimmune disease even at much lower  doses than the quantities administered in vaccines. See this survey for a clear discussion with citations: http://www.jpands.org/vol21no4/miller.pdf

 the scariest result for me is Bishop et al NEJM 1998 reported a randomized placebo-controlled test on preemies that found for every 40 µg per kilogram administered the infant lost one mental development point, scale of 100 measured at 18 months. The first six months of the vaccine series contains about 4400 µg.

The studies cited were designed not to find the truth, but instead to lie by finding no connection. the populations have been brainwashed to think vax are safe and effective. so 99% of the parents start out vaccinating. they stop, when they see their child or a sibling injured by the VAX. the studies then consider these injured children as in the low vax or No vax group. studies that test one vax are blinded by the background of all the other dozens of vax. To see the damage look at studies that compare the truly unvaxed to the vaxed. they consistently find that most human illness today is caused by vaccines.

Studies show the vaccinated no more likely to have autism than  the  unvaccinated. Here's a survey 

The evidence is nicely surveyed in this book:

Handley, J.B.; Handley, J.B.. How to End the Autism Epidemic. Chelsea Green Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

 in particular a recent paper cited there

(Christopher Exley et al., “Aluminium in Brain Tissue and Autism,” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 46 (2018): 76–82.)

found that not only were the five brains of autism suffers who died that were autopsied all very high in aluminum, but the aluminum was found within cells supporting the theory that it was transferred there by macrophages which pick up the nanoparticles and microparticles of vaccine aluminum.

 Also there are a number of papers confirming various steps of the theory that vaccine aluminum is transported to the brain and causes inflammation via raising Cytokine Interleukin – 6 levels there.

Another survey of the causal model. Note published before Exley's measurement of the high level of aluminum in autists. 

The preponderance of the evidence indicates vaccine aluminum is a cause of autism.

nature article reports brain aluminum very high in ASD


A burgeoning number of studies are demonstrating aluminium in human brain tissue. While research has both quantified and imaged aluminium in human brain tissue in neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disease there are few similar data for brain tissue from non-neurologically impaired donors. We have used microwave assisted acid digestion and transversely heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry to measure aluminium in twenty brains from donors without recognisable neurodegenerative disease. The aluminium content of 191 tissue samples was invariably low with over 80% of tissues having an aluminium content below 1.0 μg/g dry weight of tissue. The data for these control tissues were compared with data (measured using identical procedures) for sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, familial Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis. Detailed statistical analyses showed that aluminium was significantly increased in each of these disease groups compared to control tissues. We have confirmed previous conclusions that the aluminium content of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis is significantly elevated. Further research is required to understand the role played by high levels of aluminium in the aetiology of human neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disease.

This paper stated:  "Analysis of the literature showed that no apparent reason exists to support the elimination of Al from vaccines for fear of neurotoxicity. "

 unfortunately they didn't study or cite  almost any of the published proofs of the opposite cited in the proofs of this diagram.  In particular  they ignored Exley's paper that found extremely high aluminum levels in the brains of autists,  and they ignored the entire literature that argues aluminum is transported to the brain by macrophages,  there raising IL – 6  levels  which is the cause of autism. https://jbhandleyblog.com/home/2018/4/1/international2018

 they ignored the RPC test of Bishop et al. New England journal of medicine  1998.

 they ignored most of the animal data. they ignored the epedimological data  such as Correlation between number of vaccines in a nations schedule and infant mortality, correlation across states by vaccine uptake,  Correlation with hep B vaccine, and other things which are surveyed here:https://whyarethingsthisway.com/2014/03/08/example-1-pediatrician-belief-is-opposite-the-published-scientific-evidence-on-early-vaccine-safety/

 they presented no empirical paper on infants whatsoever giving results indicating  the aluminum is not neurotoxic. This strengthens My belief there is none published. 

 they stated: "However, billions of doses of these prophylactic preparations have been administered to children without incident and with enormous advantages regarding the prevention of common and severe infectious diseases. "

 this shows their bias and nothing else,  because what they are trying to disprove is that many of those cases it resulted in autism.  here it shows they just assumed it from the start.  they gave no estimate at all as to how often there are incidents,  which are well known to occur.   the second part of their sentence is highly questionable, irrelevant to the topic, and they presented no evidence for It, yet they stated it  in their conclusion.

 almost all of the papers they analyzed did not pertain to developing infants but to other subjects.  the question is whether aluminum injected in infants causes autism.  if it does,  the timing as infants is likely to be important,  since their brains are developing. 

 Their criticisms  of the empirical work they did consider are highly questionable too. they're often just stating their biased viewpoint. in short, this is just more cargo cult science  or propaganda ( take your pick) that refutes none of the claims and  almost none of the citations within the proofs of this diagram. 


Aluminum in vaccines: Does it create a safety problem?


Volume 36, Issue 39, 18 September 2018, Pages 5825-5831

For almost a century, aluminum (Al) in the form of Al oxyhydroxide (a crystalline compound), Al hydroxyphosphate (an amorphous Al phosphate hydroxide), Al phosphate, and Al potassium sulfate has been used to improve the immunogenicity of vaccines. Al is currently included in vaccines against tetanus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis. Official health authorities consider the inclusion of Al in most of the presently recommended vaccines to be extremely effective and sufficiently safe. However, the inclusion of Al salts in vaccines has been debated for several years because of studies that seem to indicate that chronic Al exposure through vaccine administration can interfere with cellular and metabolic processes leading to severe neurologic diseases. Children, who in their first years of life receive several vaccine doses over a reduced period of time, would be most susceptible to any risk that might be associated with vaccines or vaccine components. The main aim of this paper was to discuss the data presently available regarding Al neurotoxicity and the risk for children receiving vaccines or other pharmaceutical preparations containing Al. Analysis of the literature showed that no apparent reason exists to support the elimination of Al from vaccines for fear of neurotoxicity. The only problem that deserves attention is the suggested relationship between Al oxyhydroxide-containing vaccines and macrophagic myofaciitis or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Currently, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn on these risks and further studies must be conducted. Until then, Al remains the best solution to improve vaccine efficacy.



Dr. Zimmerman, a leading pediatric neurologist and the government's  lead expert witness in 2007 saying vaccines don't cause autism, has recanted and says now they do.  in fact, he says he told government attorneys this in 2007 and they misrepresented his views to the court after firing him as their expert witness. "I explained that in a subset of children, vaccine induced fever and immune stimulation did cause regressive brain disease with symptoms of autism spectrum disorder."

 There are "exceptions in which vaccines could cause autism."

He also described why he believes some of his patients got autism from vaccine.

Dr. Zimmerman full testimony: https://sharylattkisson.com/2019/01/06/dr-andrew-zimmermans-full-affidavit-on-alleged-link-between-vaccines-and-autism-that-u-s-govt-covered-up/

 also in the article: numerous Congressmen say political pressure from big Pharma prevents any investigation of whether vaccines cause autism.



Notice how the CDC statement carefully avoids saying anything about aluminum or presenting any empirical evidence that the aluminum is not causing autism.

 That settles the matter of showing that the CDC statement is not relevant to disputing the topic statement, but the following few remarks are also worthwhile.

The CDC  Citation of the 2011 IOM report  (which also didn't discuss aluminum) is carefully criticized here as misrepresenting their actual findings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFTLzmIciZM

The only paper the CDC sites for showing autism is unconnected to vaccines has two major problems. First it compares patients based on how many antigens they got, but DTP had 3004 antigens and no other vaccine they studied prevalent in their database had more than a handful so that as a  practical matter they were comparing patients who had DTP and dozens of other vaccines to patients who  Mostly had  DTaP but not DTP and dozens of other vaccines, which tells you little but whether DTP by itself is causing more autism than the rest of the vaccine series put together. Second the lead author  of this study was also the lead author of the 2004 study which a whistleblower co-author CDC senior scientist said was fraudulent. http://vaxxedthemovie.com/statement-william-w-thompson-ph-d-regarding-2004-article-examining-possibility-relationship-mmr-vaccine-autism/





The linked article by Dr. Peter Hotez presents no citations to any papers that study the question of whether aluminum causes autism. It does not cite nor mention the papers discussed in this graph that show mechanisms for vaccine aluminum to cause autism. It does not cite or discuss any of the evidence on the neurotoxicity of parenteral aluminum.  Thus it is basically a strawman attack irrelevant to the question of whether vaccine aluminum causes autism.

 Furthermore the studies that are cited on the question of whether thimerosal and etc. causes autism are fatally flawed by the fact that parents tend to vaccinate their kids unless they believe they observe vaccine damage, in which case they  often stop. We know this because at least a thousand parents have posted videos to YouTube saying why they believe they observed their child given autism by a vaccine (and some of these are doctors). This natural behavior preferentially puts damaged or sick or autistic kids into the low thimerosal group in the study because they get no further thimerosal and the studies count total thimerosal. Thus these studies may be large but they are valueless for deciding whether thimerosal is or is not causing damage.


There is quite a bit of epidemiological evidence that vaccine aluminum is causing autism. This includes correlation across times and countries between vaccine schedule and autism, Correlation between number of vaccines in a nations schedule and infant mortality, correlation across states by vaccine uptake,  Correlation with hep B vaccine, and other things which are surveyed here:


 I'm not aware of any epidemiological evidence bearing on the subject that fails to find the connection except for a few papers Criticized  in the link above with severe methodological difficulties.




