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My conscience is the only thing that exists
What are the chances that my superiority over everyone else is just a coincidence and im not god? what are the chances that im always right? this cant be a coincidence
There should be more americans, but CHina has been stealing our kids
Accordingg to statistics there are 1.4 billion chinese people but 300 million americans, but think to yourself do you know more americans or chinese? Our birthrate should be higher because the millenials are sex-driven hoes and sluts but china has been stealing the new spawn
The one child policy was a coverup for child labor and experiments
China lowered the birthrate in their country so that there was more room for their factory-made children to get to work in sweat shops
Chinese government has a switch to turn on and off the fertility of their female citizens
70 years ago the chinese government put a dna sequence in the water which they can use to turn on or off pregnancies in certain women.
I also believe that Chinese children are born with two sides of the left brain
It has been proven that traits associated with the left brain were perfected by the chinese upper class.
My kid is in school and struggling while chinese children with gene edited brains are thriving
China has been caught changing dna several times, for example to manufacture Yao Ming in a factory to get to the NBA and they also infiltrated America and tampered with American cells, adding corona virus to all of our DNA. I have many sources and am currently writing an expose' on this but you'll have to stay tuned. In the meanwhile #STAYWOKE #CHEATINGCHINA #GOTCORONAINMYVEINS #KEEPTHECORONACOMMMIESOUT
"Thou shalt love thy fellow man" Mark 12:30. I am gay for you just as I am gay for Jesus
We are all gay for jesus, bless you
Jesus was a homosexual before the government before government invented
Jesus did not have a wife even though he was very popular with the ladies, he was most likely gay BOOM!
You were wrong tiktok is getting banned
Its getting banned
Coronavirus, aids, and cancer all did not exist before modern times and the increase in these diseases follows increase in science and medicalical.
I have seen many scientific evidences that diseases didn't exist until recently, and many presidents admitted to inventing diseases but the footage was hidden. China might have invented coronavirus to slow the US economy and no other country has a lot of corona covid because it is targeted. MOST IMPORTANT EVIDENCE: How did China know to name the corona virus corona-19 CONVENEANTLY THE SAME NUMBER AS 2019! Cancer helps stop overpopulation and keeps our population young unlike Japan, so perhaps the government was justified. I think aids was unfair to the people though.
Many big companies agree
Since Nike is pushing for the name change, I think it will come soon
Some argue the name symbolizes bravery, but it paints Native Americans in a negative light
The depiction of the mascot with red skin is not only grossly inaccurate but it dehumanizes Native Americans and is proof of white supremacy and eurocentric views by showing "the other" in this unrealistic way. The team's bearing, along with the Kansas City Chiefs' tomahawk chop for example are also offensive
Berkeley study shows more Native Americans are offended than previously reported
This Isn't just an SJW issue
The priority should be removing racist caricatures and the "slippery slope of social justice" argument isn't valid because this is long overdue, and has been complained about for years
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