
Should states expand voting by mail?

02 Jul 2020
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02 Jul 2020
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If states were to expand voting by mail, citizens who want to vote can do it safely.

If states were to expand voting by mail, citizens who want to vote can do it safely.

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Extensive list of mail in ballot fraud
Virtually all countries ban mailin ballots because they have seen massive fraud
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all vote by mail elections In June in New Jersey were corrupted
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6 Weeks After Primary, N.Y. Officials Still Can?t Say Who Won Key Races
In Virginia, confusion reigns as residents receive absentee applications with wrong addresses.
Las Vegas officials sent 223K primary ballots to the wrong address.
28 million mail-in ballots went missing in the last four elections.
mail in ballots are frequently fraudulent
Multiple polls show a majority of Americans are worried about fraud in mail-in ballots
In the 2018 midterms, a congressional election in North Carolina was overturned
USPS Fails Mail-In Ballot Test
This is not correct
Perhaps they could make mail-in voting more reliable, but what makes you think they would?
current proposals at both federal and state levels legalize vote harvesting
If every state were to vote in person, cases would surge and hospitals could become full
Here's a good summary of some of the evidence and methods of mail vote fraud
Yet another case of mail fraud
A new study shows mail in votes were frequent vector for fraud
All cases of voter fraud are isolated and dealt with quickly.
illegal votes are a possibility.
Voting by mail can be safer
if mail-in balloting is widespread, and the Democrats win, there will be a Civil War
In spite of the fact that they forced everybody into a few small sites there was no spike in coronavirus
When Wisconsin held their primary during the pandemic it was a disaster.
If states were to expand voting by mail, citizens who want to vote can do it safely.

Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election.

Project Veritas Outlines Ballot Harvesting Fraud in Ilhan Omar Minnesota District…

Extensive list of mail in ballot fraud

Virtually all countries ban mailin ballots because they have seen massive fraud

 Professional explains  how he has been fixing the elections throughout his career using mail-in ballots. 

Michigan Primary: 846 Absentee Ballots Rejected 'Because the Voter was Dead'

One woman said there are eight relatives and immediate neighbors she knows of listed as having voted — but who insist they never even received ballots, including one relative who she says has been in Florida for weeks

The ballots from the deceased were listed on an election report released on Friday detailing the reasons why 3,274 votes – or 20 percent of those submitted – were rejected in Paterson all-vote-by-mail elections.

 In all 31 June primaries, there were problems with nearly 10% of ballots being rejected as improper



The United States Postal Service violated federal law by letting employees do union-funded work for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and other Democratic candidates while on leave from the agency, according to an Office of Special Counsel report obtained by Fox News. 


Nevada doesn’t need vote-by-mail, because they allow early voting starting two weeks before the election, and this resident says because of that, there are never any crowds at polling sites, and it is always socially distanced.


3 Weeks After Primary, N.Y. Officials Still Can’t Say Who Won Key Races

Imagine when Presidential election drags on months in current environment. Constitutional it's not allowed to drag on past January 20, which seems not unlikely if there is widespread mail-in voting. 

New York’s mail-in primary is still incomplete after six weeks. Trump says it will likely have to be done over, as they cannot figure out who won.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified in the NYC vote by mail primary mess.



In Virginia, confusion reigns as residents receive absentee applications with wrong addresses.


Las Vegas officials sent 223K primary ballots to the wrong address.

28 million mail-in ballots went missing in the last four elections.

 Four Democrats were just arrested  for mail in ballot fraud  in an election where 1/4 of the ballots wer fraudulent.

Postal workers were recenty lcaught on video dumping campaign mailings into the trash.

 in California the governor sent out ballots to everybody and there were pictures of large numbers of ballots sitting in corners ripe for abuse.

 nothing would stop China from printing large numbers of official looking mail in ballots and submitting them.

 if mail in  voting becomes common the election will go to whoever cheats the most.  and that party will not prosecute the fraud that bought them the elction. it would be better not to hold elections than to hold ones where the party that cheats the most wins.

A bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker declared, “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

Even with a poll that skews Democrat, most voters by a wide margin (59% to 38%) prefer to vote in person.

Hill-Harrisx Poll: 68 percent concerned with vote tampering for mail-in ballots. 

In the 2018 midterms, a congressional election in North Carolina was overturned and had to be re-held because an unscrupulous Republican operative was using mail-in ballots to scam the system.

Imagine the chaos  if the presidential election were overturned and had to be re-held.  there'd probably be a civil war in the meantime. 

CBS News did a test of whether the post office could efficiently deliver and return ballots, mailing out a few hundred ballots many of which failed to arrive in timely fashion, and some never arrived at all. Leaving out the question of fraud, USPS is just not competent enough for such a vital function. 

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) just released data that more than 28 million ballots by mail went unaccounted for from 2012 to 2018, with more than one million going to the incorrect address in 2018 alone.

 This is not correct.  what makes you think it's true?

 in the cited example above from New Jersey, the fraud was only discovered because authorities found hundreds of ballots in one mailbox. it was a total accident, due in part to the stupidity of the fraudsters.

 in the other example, the fraudster happened to be spotted on the camera.

 if the Democrats wholesale cheat to win the election,  do you think the winners  are going to  to investigate their own corruption? fat chance.

 If China gets involved in printing counterfeit ballots and fixes the election, you think it's going to be detected?  much less prosecuted by the winners who benefited from it?

 there were millions of fraudulent votes in the last  presidential election.  almost nobody was prosecuted.

Perhaps they could make mail-in voting more reliable, but what makes you think they would?  everything I see indicates the Democrats want mail in voting  precisely so they can use it to cheat.  the deep state has been fighting against trump since before he was elected.  The impeachment, which (after such a rush to pass it they couldn't call witnesses, then an unexplained 2 month delay)  was delivered to the Senate the day the first case of cv-19 was seen in the United States,  seems to have been designed to distract the administration from responding to the pandemic.  the pandemic sems to have been crafted to try to damage Trump in part, and to facilitate passage of mail in voting  so they can cheat.  for example at least five Democrat governors required nursing homes to take positive patients,  which resulted in something like 40% of the deaths in the US occuring in nursing homes in their states.  you don't think if they will take actions like this killing large numbers of people ( who they expected to vote against them), they won't cheat on the ballot?  meanwhile the new cases and the new deaths are simply a matter of redefining who counts as covid -19,  more cheating

Measures proposed at the federal and state level would legalize vote harvesting, which is the practice of allowing political operatives to collect absentee ballots and be present while a voter casts his or her vote. 

 do you really want some party apparachik standing over you while you vote?

Wisconsin is just one example, imagine how many people would contract covid19 if every state had human contact all on the same day. Cases would surge even more than they are now and hospitals could be overwhelmed by the number of people who are sick.


  they mail out millions of ballots, many to dead people or people not eligible to vote. operatives collect them and vote them.

Cat that's been dead 10 years gets Voter registration application in the mail. 

 yet another case of mail fraud

Remote voting, including by absentee ballot, has been the largest source of voter fraud over the decades, analysts say.

The people who facilitated voter fraud in New Jersey were caught.  The postal worker in Texas was dumping campaign fliers, not ballots.  I am in no way condoning these actions.  If she was dumping ballots, people would have complained that they did not get their ballots and officials would have found out.  With any expansion of mail-in voting, there should be extra precautions and regulations put in place so voter fraud does not happen.  Also, voter fraud on a national scale would be much harder than a local election.

Without certified personnel to approve votes that come via mail, it would be harder to mandate voting and prevent illegal voting 

With the COVID pandemic going on, it is isn't very safe for people to gather together. With voting by mail, people would not have to gather together and spread the virus. To avoid the possibility of fraudulent votes, states and regions could somehow make sure that the person voting has identified themselves correctly. 

 if mail-in balloting is widespread, and the Democrats win,  there will be a Civil War.  rightly or wrongly a lot of heavily armed Republicans believe the Democrats cheat routinely in elections.  they won't stand for it, especially not this year.

In spite of the fact that they forced everybody into a few small sites there was no spike in coronavirus.

 there is no reason not to vote  in the ordinary way.

Due to safety concerns, there was a massive reduction in polling sites in big cities.  Milwaukee's 180 polling cites were reduced to just 5.  This resulted in massive lines.  This was just a primary, the general election will have much higher turnout in states with way more people.  An easy solution to this is to have mail-in ballots.

If states were to expand voting by mail, citizens who want to vote can do it safely.
